The treatment of chronic HCV infection has been revolutionized by the development of the directly
acting antivirals (DAAs) that led to efficacy expectations approaching 100% with just 8 or 12 weeks of treatment.
The currently available regimens for the therapy of treatment-naïve patients consist of
twodrug regimens available only in co-formulation, while a three-drug co-formulation has been developed for more complex virologic patterns.
This therapeutic offer makes it possible to select specific options on the basis of key individual characteristics, such as the presence of decompensated cirrhosis and/or the risk of drug-drug interactions. A series of borderline circumstances can thus be identified, and the factors driving the regimen choice deserve careful evaluation in order to ensure a smooth therapeutic course to patients.
Among the aspects yet to be fully clarified there is the therapeutic response of extra-hepatic associated disturbances, given the wide spectrum of such disorders being associated to chronic HCV infection. Although drug-resistance remains a niche, the treatment of patients who underwent therapeutic failure with DAAs deserves attention, as no additional therapeutic options are being developed for the near future.
An expert panel will focus on the controversial aspects still concerning the choice of the most suitable regimen to be adapted to individual characteristics.
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